22 nov. 20211 Min

Organize your Marriage Proposal in the most beautiful city of the world.

Mis à jour : 27 avr. 2022

Declare your love in our selection of Parisian mansions and palaces:

Exclusive Paris Place offers you a selection of exclusive and confidential moments to declare your love.

Our privileged relationships with private mansions and palaces in the capital allow us to provide you with ever more unique offers.

Let us know what you want so that we can offer you a tailor-made experience.

We create an ideal scenario for you.

We can suggest , create and shape multiple scenarios in line with your expectations and your desired budget.

The most exclusive experiences are on Exclusive Paris Place.

Contact - Devis

Exclusive Paris Place

Pierre-Yves Tremintin Mobile & WhatsApp : +33 (0)6 61 52 49 46 pierreyves@exclusiveparisplace.com
